Wednesday, November 14, 2012

i love the dirty projectors but ugh

I wrote this paper for my favorite class about the merit of beauty vs. meaning in art, kind of decoding Dirty Projectors’ “Hi Custodian.” (here’s a dropbox link if you want to read it)

Backstory: I wrote this in too little time and cared too much about the topic I had thought up and wanted to talk about all my feelings but couldn't because I didn't have enough time.

I am in love with my professor so his response to my paper was terrifying and enthralling:

Dear Ritu,
 Your paper is sprawling, unfocused, filled with diversions and unnecessary asides, and utterly wonderful. There is little point in pointing out the structural flaws or demanding more rigidity; you followed my prompt faithfully, and produced an insightful, eloquent, passionate and deeply intelligent essay on an important topic. Your grade is an A-. Rock on!
 A stellar weekend,